Otfried Preußler und seine bekanntesten Kinderbücher

Heute tauchen wir ein in die magische Welt von Otfried Preußler, einem der bekanntesten und beliebtesten deutschen Kinderbuchautoren. Seine Geschichten haben Generationen von Kindern verzaubert und begeistern auch heute noch Groß und Klein.   Wer war Otfried Preußler? Otfried Preußler wurde 1923 in Reichenberg (heute Liberec, Tschechien) geboren. Nach Kriegsgefangenschaft und Vertreibung ließ er sich […]

The Future of Shopping: Will Second-Hand Become More Popular in the Future?

Second-hand shopping has been experiencing massive growth in the past couple of years. But what are the reasons behind that growth? Thanks to the rise of the re-commerce industry, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as increased environmental awareness, second-hand shopping is becoming more popular by the day, especially among the younger generation. […]

The Environmental Cost of Online Shopping

online shopping

E-commerce has drastically revolutionized the way people browse and shop, especially after the pandemic. Consumers are one click away from getting what they want, shipped directly to their doorstep. Shopping for items conveniently from any device at any moment has increased online shopping. Nowadays, e-commerce has grown to be much more than just a platform […]

Why Coconut Oil for Hair is a Must-Try: 3 Effective Ways to Nourish Your Locks


Those who want to nourish their hair naturally and sustainably have long turned to coconut oil as a go-to product. It makes sense that coconut oil for hair has been used for generations as a natural moisturizer and conditioner. Our mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers have been using it for centuries for its vitamins, minerals, and […]

Tips for Buying Sustainable Footwear: Can Shoes Be Sustainable at All?

Shoes on the floor

Can footwear be sustainable at all? Nowadays, new sneakers drop every week and so is landfill waste. Promoting newness and massive consumption over circular and sustainable business models leads to a climate disaster. According to the Department of the Interior, every year in the US, people throw away over 300 million pairs of shoes, 95% […]